Principals and Practices

John Wesley composed a list describing "the character of a Methodist." This provided a set of guidelines for those who sought to "in all things, follow the Lord" — what it is important for us to believe, to say, and to do. This section presents a modern interpretation of these principals and practices.

A Methodist Credo

"Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can." ~ John Wesley

It is the particular business of Christ to build the kingdom of heaven in the hearts of human beings. ~ John Wesley

Photo of a flower

~ What a Methodist
Looks Like ~

Practical Christianity

The name of "Methodist" for John Wesley and his followers was coined by their critics. It was a negative commentary on their "methodical" attention to their walk of faith. They would gather together to pray, study the Bible, and seek to "confess Christ — not by words alone, but by the living of our lives."

That practice — of giving thoughtful consideration to what we see and what we say and what we do — is another word for "mindfulness." It broadens and deepens our relationship with the Beloved, making us aware of God's presence in all places at all times; and it calls us to care for all that God loves. Our faith and belief impels us to be prayerfully at work in the world; living lives of "practical Christianity."

A Modern "Rule of Life"

Look in the mirror and see ...

A Discovery?

Perhaps, after reading this, you've discovered that what a Methodist looks like — is you!