Prayer is a sanctuary: a safe place where we can speak honestly, truthfully expressing all our fears, hopes, and desires.
Truthful prayer will set us free from all that would enslave us, even (perhaps especially) those secret thoughts we keep hidden from ourselves.
Isaiah 60:1–6
reinterpreted by Deborah
Come out of hiding! Show yourself! Let your light shine; for the Lord is with us, the radiance of God has come to us.
People stumble through life, blinded by confusion, hatred, and fear; but holy wisdom will illuminate you like the sunrise, and divine compassion warm your heart like the noonday sun.
Your joy will draw others to you, your courage will strengthen them, your faith will inspire them. You will be a shining bright star on a dark and dismal night.
Look around and see the many lost and lonely who are searching; they wander far and wide, seeking they know not what.
Open your heart and let love stream in, then let it pour forth like a mighty stream. Your joy will be complete, for love is powerful and never-ending: Life’s origin and Source that cannot be depleted.
Love is greater than all earthly riches: against such a treasure nothing else can compare.
Shout hallelujah
to the highest heavens;
sing a joyful hymn
of thanksgiving to the Lord,
and laugh out loud
with delight!
Rage and rant,
let your unsated anger burn
white-hot bright;
call for armies of angels
to avenge the wrongs
that have never been made right.
Weep silently
in a quiet place;
mourn the least, the lost, the lonely;
grieve the hurts and hatreds,
the gaping wounds and soul-deep scars
in bleeding, unhealed hearts.
It takes strength
for all these things;
for remembering,
for regretting,
for renewing
and releasing.
Faith is more than
thanks giving,
praise singing,
and endless intercessions:
it shows itself blatantly
in acts of trust and honesty.
Prayer is a dare:
a challenge we extend
to ourselves;
will we speak the whole truth,
and reveal who we are?
or tell more pretty lies?
The simple truth;
no rationales or reasons,
or elaborate excuses,
no blaming or downplaying,
bare, unvarnished facts
and only that.
Proud of our humility,
scornful, self-certain,
angry, frightened, resentful,
despairing or filled with doubt;
all are possible,
all may be true;
all can be transformed
by the presence of the Light;
out in the open,
freed by our own admission,
confessing aloud
what God already knows.
How great a hallelujah,
the song of honesty:
a gift beyond mere rubies,
a treasure that is told:
Just as I am, Lord,
I put my trust in You.
Speak a truly radical prayer: Tell God exactly how you feel.