Let us bless them, and release them; cherishing what was good, and giving over to God what was troublesome. They — and we — deserve to be free.
Not an "exorcism," but a releasing; a letting-go. This prayer asks the Beloved for healing, handing over to God all hurts and harm.
All-Gracious God,
in You all desires are known;
You know the secrets of our hearts
and the suffering of our souls.
You know the harm and hurts we have endured.
You know how hard this is for us;
empower and inspire us
to pray sincerely
and to believe — where we have not yet seen.
Merciful Creator, into Your hands we commend [name]
in the sure and certain hope
of Your transforming love;
to repair what is broken,
to heal what is wounded,
to comfort the hurting,
and bring peace and tranquility
where there is sorrow and distress.
Just Judge,
inspire in us a quiet confidence
that Your Will shall be done,
that justice will prevail.
Deliver us from evil;
protect us
from the temptations of revenge and resentment.
Guide us in the way of peace.
O Compassionate One,
whose son Jesus Christ destroyed death,
grant that all hatred and cruelty,
all hopelessness and despair
be destroyed in us
that we might live fully
as Your glorious, radiant children.
Break every chain that binds us,
lift us up into Your light.
We come to You, Source of Every Blessing,
ready to be renewed and refreshed,
restored to full and joy-full life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.