A Difficult Time

Even when both partners are agreed that divorce is the best choice, there is disappointment, sorrow, and anger — and often a temptation to assign blame. In this prayer we call upon God’s healing grace to guide the process and bless the future.

Trusting the Holy Spirit

We trust in the power
of Your sustaining Spirit
to comfort us and guide us
and increase our understanding.

Photo of a flower

For Those Who
are Divorcing

A Prayer for Grace and Healing

Lord, we give you thanks
for everything:
for the good — of which there was so much,
and the bad;

for even at our worst,
when all seemed to go off course,
you kept watch over us,
and your blessings continued.

In the midst of the whirlwind
of confusion, anger,
longing, and disappointment,
Your love never failed.

And now — especially now,
in this most difficult of times —
we are comforted
by your grace-filled Presence.

In your tender compassion,
you share our sadness,
and in your mercy,
you uplift our hope;

for this is not an end,
but a beginning,
a divinely sanctioned opportunity
for our lives to start anew.


Like a bulb that needs dividing,
we will blossom more fully
when we’re apart;
growing in different gardens.

Though separated
we will always share
the beautiful sprouting plants
we created between us,

the happy memories,
the challenges we overcame,
the dragons we slew together;
what was best and good and true.

Upon this blest foundation,
we will build
a garden of remembrance,
warmed by the light of Love.

We pledge to honor
what has been
and look forward
to what may yet be;

to do our best,
respect one another,
and work together
for the good of our family.

Despite our stumbles
and our missteps,
You’re still here, Holy One,
and will see us through.

We trust in the power
of Your sustaining Spirit
to comfort us and guide us
and increase our understanding.

Cleanse our souls
of all bitterness,
reproach and blame,
any desire to hurt or wound.

Give us teachable hearts, O Gracious God,
that this may be a time of
kindness and compassion,
forbearance and forgiveness.

Bless us in the days ahead,
that we may grow
in grace and truth,
and friendship with one another.
