Just Breathe!

In the midst of chaos or confusion, a few moments of deep, slow breathing can restore peace to our souls.


When we are in a calm, holy place we will choose wisely and compassionately, rather than impulsively and fearfully. Breathe and pray — and then decide.

Photo of a flower

Centering Prayer

Rest for a Moment

Perfect Kindness,
we come to You
in prayer and gratitude.

We thank You
for this day,
this hour,
this moment;
for the beauty it reveals,
for the possibilities it holds.

Bless us
as we seek You,
Gentle Spirit,
in the air all around us:
as we breathe in…
and breathe out
and calm.

Guide us
along Your holy Way,
Gracious Lover:
that we may walk
with open hearts
and faith-fueled courage,
and pass, unharmed,
over the waves of anger and hate.

Inspire us,
Radiant Wisdom,
to hope,
and to believe
in all that is good,
as we breathe in…
and breathe out
and calm.

Strengthen us
to carry You,
Endless Compassion,
in our hearts
and souls
and minds
and deeds.

Bless us
as we bless You,
Perfect Kindness,
as we breathe in…
and breathe out
and calm.

We thank You,
Light of Every Life,
for this day,
this hour,
this moment;
for the beauty it reveals,
for the possibilities it holds.
