All Creation Gives Praise

Although they do not use words, all creatures, great and small, praise their Creator. This is an imagined canine interpretation of Psalm 84.

Living Wisdom

Our fur-relations have much to teach us, if only we will listen.

Photo of a flower

A Dog's Song of Praise as told to Deborah Beach Giordano


How cozy Your home is, O Divine Master!

My soul longs to be there —
it pants with desire to nestle in a soft bed next to Your chair,
with my favorite squeaky toy beside me,
and a dish of Milkbones near by.
My whole body wriggles with delight at the thought,
and my soul gives forth a yelp of joy.

In Your house there are many spaces and places —
lots of room for all that lives.
The birds of the air rest on the rafters and shelter under the eaves,
leading the singing of joyful hallelujahs to You, our God and Master.

Happiness fills the hearts of those dedicated to You, O Gentle One.

O God of Creation, we raise our voices in praise to You!

Those who trust in You, O Loving Lord,
live with joy and enthusiasm — delighting in each new day.
The dullest afternoon is turned into a playtime;
the saddest hour is met with quiet sympathy.
They go from strength to strength;
and God is known through their grace-filled lives.

O Lord God of the feathered, finned, and furred, hear my prayer!
O God of the people, we raise our voices in praise to You!

a dog at home with the Master

Look at our faces, O God, see how Your servants adore You!

One day in Your presence is better than a thousand anywhere else.
I would rather lie on the mat outside Your door
than on the softest sofa in the house of the wicked.

For God is light and life, care and kindness.
God has given us nobility and strength,
and made us little lower than the angels.

O Master of all that is good,
just thinking about You makes me wag my tail!