An injury, an illness, a diagnosis — these can be extremely scary things. At such times well-meaning people can say really stupid things: "Don't worry." "You'll be fine." "Keep a positive attitude." Now you're obliged to stay upbeat and cheery, in addition to focusing on getting well.
The Holy One does not want lies or false optimism. As a Mighty Fortress and Tender Sanctuary, the Eternal hears and understands your fears, your anger, your worries. There is no need to pretend: speak your truth in prayer.
OK, Lord, this totally sucks.
I am not liking it at all.
I am frightened,
I am anxious,
I am impatient.
I want a happy
and prompt resolution;
no delays,
no dawdling —
a right-this-minute
quick fix.
People are going to say
it is a time of learning;
an opportunity
to develop my faith
and grow my spirit.
That may be so, but I don’t wanna.
My internal three-year-old
is on the floor,
kicking and screaming —
having a real hissy-fit.
It isn’t fair,
it isn’t right.
Why can’t someone else do this instead???
OK, Lord,
You’ve listened to my tantrum,
and now I’ll stop;
I'll take a deep breath,
and then another,
and try to calm my frazzled nerves.
In the silence of these few moments,
I can feel Your enlivening Spirit
here in my breath —
sustaining my earthen form.
When I inhale
we intermingle,
my whole being flooded
with the power of Your love —
I breathe out
and in that instant
I join in the dance
with all who have ever lived.
Another in-breath
and once again
Your love suffuses all I am
with all You are.
we are together,
never separate,
not once,
not even for an instant,
are we apart.
OK, Lord,
now I remember:
it is well,
always well,
with my soul.