Accepting Forgiveness

Believing that what we have done can be forgiven, and trusting that we can become "a new person in Christ," is an act of faith in God's power.

A Fresh Start

When we accept forgiveness we commit ourselves to a changed life; to making amends where possible, to avoid doing harm, and to seeking the best for ourselves and all of God's creation.

Photo of a flower

A Prayer
to Start Anew by Deborah Beach Giordano

For New Beginnings

Praise the Beloved,
from whom all blessings flow;

for the Holy One can give
peace to my soul,
and free my spirit from stress and strain.

Maybe not forever,
but for this moment,
I will trust in God’s ability.

I will dare to believe.
God’s goodness and mercy
are far greater than we can imagine
and far more than what we deserve.

I am forgiven, loved, and free.

Eternal One, give me the faith
to believe that fully;
give me the courage
to act upon it with joyful confidence,
and the strength to follow Your way
with grace and compassion.

This is a day of new beginnings,
thanks be to God!

