Voicing a Complaint

This prayer conveys a sense of outrage and anger, while affirming God's preferential option for the "least, the last, and the lost."

Wicked, Thoughtless Creatures

What can they be thinking, these evildoers? They live as if there is no God: as if they are the ultimate authority.

Photo of a flower

~ Psalm 14 ~

A Cry for Help

The wicked do not believe in God.
Their souls are twisted,
their spirits filled with sin.

They worship only power and riches;
they lie and cheat and steal,
hiding behind rules they have devised.

The planet is exploited,
with no thought for other creatures —
not even their own kindred.

They are ruled by their sins,
they ignore the Holy One's mandate:
kindness and compassion are unknown to them.

They cover the earth with their refuse,
and use people like Kleenex:
to be dirtied and thrown away.

What can they be thinking, these evildoers?
They live as if there is no God,
as if they are the ultimate authority.

The time is surely coming
when the terrors they have created
will be turned back upon them.

For our God is merciful and just,
a special friend to the poor,
an advocate of the young and the old.

earth from space

The wicked plot to starve the ill and aged,
pollute the land and poison the seas,
but the Holy One sees what they do.

I pray that deliverance will come soon:
that God's will shall be remembered,
that righteousness shall prevail.

When the people again love God,
and resist evil temptations,
the whole world will rejoice and be glad.